Wednesday, August 28, 2013

5.6.13 Huancavilca, Ecuador


This weekend, José R. got baptized, confirmed, and received the Aaronic priesthood.  The Saturday baptismal service was good but it was also very long.  We did the service combined with the sister missionaries who baptized four kids.  The 8 year old boy had to get baptized four times because the person baptizing him didn’t say the prayer right.  He was very nervous and he struggled, but on the fourth try, he got it right.  Anyways, José is very happy, and we made sure he got a High Priest version of the Book of Mormon. (Giant Words)  Every other day, José has to go a clinic where he gets his blood cleaned.  I am not exactly sure what he has, but basically, his kidneys don’t work.  Something like that.  

I had two experiences this week that made me think.  Sunday morning, we were fasting, and a lady offered us cola.  We told her that we were fasting and it was for a good purpose and we asked if we could come back later to drink the beverage.  She told us to just drink it and said that a little cola wouldn’t hurt.  We told her, ‘no’ again and she got a little more upset.  She then said, ask God for forgiveness and drink the cola.  He is powerful to forgive all sins.  We told her, ‘no’ again and she went back into her house moping.  As I thought about what happened, I felt really bad for the lady.  Not because I didn’t accept her drink, but because she really thought that it was okay to ask God for forgiveness later, to willing disobey a commandment.  I realized how much people do not understand the atonement.  Why don’t people get it? God´s mercy does not break the demands of justice.  There is a scripture in 1 Nephi 14:7.  It is difficult for me to explain, but I think it is perfect for this situation.  The gospel requires us to CHOOSE.  Or we choose the right and are saved, or we choose the wrong and we are damned.   But there is no median.  And the gospel doesn´t offer an easy way out.  
The other experience happened today in the morning.  We went to get some papers filled out by José and he was asleep.  His wife talked to us for a while and the conversation made me think again.  She started off by saying that years ago, José was a very angry person.  He demanded respect and was willing to use physical abuse to gain that respect.  She talked about how he would hit his children when they were not obedient.  She told us that now, he is more passive.  He doesn’t raise his voice to his grandchildren when they don’t obey.  She said that instead of hitting or yelling, he tells his daughter to not hit her kids.  She says he is always looking to protect his grandchildren, and avoid problems.  It sounds good right?  Well José´s wife is upset with him.  She is mad at him.  She doesn´t like his new attitude.  She said that she hoped that his baptism would help him to change and be the person he once was.  She told us that her grandchild is a brat and that José doesn’t let his daughter chastise him, yell at him, or hit him.  When I heard her tell us all of this, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  How did she not realize that this change was good?  How did she not realize that this is José repenting?  These two experiences made me remember that the world is so far away from God and his Gospel.  The world is very lost.  It is true when God said, with their lips they honor me… but their hearts are far from me (con sus labios me honran, pero sus corazones están lejos de me).  Everyone here believes in God, but no one obeys his commandments. 

So we should be so thankful that we have been raised in the true gospel and have learned to live the true principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.



Elder McRae

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