Wednesday, August 28, 2013

5.27.13 Huancavilca, Ecuador


I have never worked harder in my mission than I did this week.  We had stake conference and we wanted to bring as many people as we could.  So we spent almost all day of each day passing by people to invite them to the conference.  We only taught them for about 10 minutes about the Sabbath day and keeping it holy and then moved on.  We brought a good group to church.  But of course, on the way to conference, the van that we rented to take people, got a flat tire and we had to send people to the church in 3 taxis instead.  But everyone made it and it was a great conference.  

Elder Valderrama spoke.  He is a 70 from Bolivia.  He is 36 years old!!!!  He is a 70!  He was a stake president at 28.  He gave an amazing talk and even spoke with a few of our investigators.  Jose R, my convert, received the Melkesidec priesthood yesterday as well. So, my companion and I are excited to see the fruits of our labor this week pay off in June, my last full month of work.  The goal for June is 8 baptisms. 


Elder McRae

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