Wednesday, August 28, 2013

4.7.13 Pasaje, Ecuador


This was a very long week.  There is much to tell and much that I cannot tell.  

The good:  We, as a mission, had 323 baptisms in March.  We just set a new world record.  This week for Conference, we brought 750 people to Conference. I am not sure if that is a world record, but I am thinking it is.  It is very possible that we have 250 baptisms this week which would also be a world record.  So I know everyone says that their mission is the best in the world but I literally can say that mine IS the best mission in the world.  Pretty sweet right??  The mission will divide in the last week of June.  We, my companion and I, only managed to bring 4 people to conference.  They are a very nice family, and the father, Alex, is very desirous to change his life.  Our numbers in our zone are all low and I will explain why later in the letter.  So we are working to start the program up again.  But I was so happy to see all 5 of my converts in the conference Sunday morning.  Nothing brings more happiness. 

Okay, the bad:  For the last 2 weeks, the numbers in the whole zone basically crashed and burned.  The leaders, and assistants, and President were pretty worried and so they started questioning the obedience.  After a little investigation, the zone leaders found out that the other missionaries in Pasaje hadn’t been doing what they should. President Montalti came down to Pasaje to find out what was going on.  After he interviewed the 6 missionaries of Pasaje, he told me everything that was going on.  My companion and I are now are the only missionaries here in Pasaje.  No one got sent home, but it was sad to see the other missionaries leave.  

The good:  Everything the other missionaries had is now in our house.  We have brand new chairs, desks, beds, 3 fridges, 5 fans, and we each sleep on two mattresses.  But we are so happy that we get to stay here in Pasaje.  14 weeks left.  Keep praying that I can finish strong and with lots of fruits.  


Elder McRae

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