Wednesday, August 28, 2013

3.11.13 Pasaje, Ecuador



This week was great.  We had three baptisms and brought a lot of people to church.  I am going to be training so I have to leave tonight to Santa Rosa to stay with another missionary that is going to train and then be in Guayaquil all day tomorrow.  I am actually pretty excited to train because I know I have so much more experience to help my new companion.  The first two times I trained, I barely knew what was going on because I had such little time in the mission.  The only thing I am a little worried about is the sector.  It is a whole city and I don’t know everything very well yet.  But, we have a lot of investigators in the program and hopefully we will have 2 more baptisms this week.  Pasaje is amazing—both the members and the nonmembers.  Rafael has been working with us a lot and he just talks to everyone he sees.  He talks to anyone, invites them to his house, then to church, he picks them up Sunday and takes them back home.  He is unreal.  I am so thankful to have his help and he looks up to us so much.  I really hope I get to end my mission here.  I only have 18 weeks left.


I would send pictures of the baptisms, but I am not at my house so I don’t have any of my stuff to send the pictures.  I am with another elder here in Pasaje who is going to train as well.  About 40 new missionaries will be arriving tomorrow.  


I did a little thinking about the future this week and didn’t really feel any tug in any direction besides right here in Pasaje.  I would love nothing more than to just live the rest of my life right here.  I just feel like life here is so easy and rewarding.  But since that is not an option, I will pray about some choices.


I don’t have a lot of time because I have to get ready to go to Santa Rosa.  Also two more missionaries are getting here and I have to show them where they live.  SO I am doing alright.  When I am focused I could never be happier.  When I think of home, I just feel like… whatever.  



Elder McRae

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