It was a really great week. My head has cleared up a lot. I haven´t really been worrying about anything so that has made me happier. Jadira got baptized on Saturday and confirmed yesterday. I will be honest, it was the hardest baptism and confirmation I have experienced. The stats prove that someone like Jadira would never get baptized. Last week, the day of her baptism, she flaked out and said she didn´t want to do it. The next day on Sunday, she didn`t go to church. We had a difficult time finding her during the week as well. All those are characteristics of someone who will never get baptized. Saturday came around and in the morning she said she wasn`t sure, but maybe she should wait another week. We did everything we could to keep her excited and told her we would pass by in the night to pick her up and take her to the baptism. We filled the baptismal font, invited members, and got all the baptismal clothes ready with the sick feeling in our hearts that she would end up running away and not getting baptized. With this feeling still in our hearts we went to Blanca and David`s house to invite them to the baptism. Before we knocked on the door Blanca walked out all dressed up like she was going to church. She said, ‘Sorry we are running late, David is coming down right now, and Jadira is on her way over now to go to the baptism.’ As we turned around, Jadira was walking towards us to Blanca`s house all dressed up with her baptismal clothes in a bag in her hand. I can`t describe the happiness that went through my whole body in that moment so I wont try. But what I can describe is the flying ninja kick I did in the air in the middle of the street in joy about 3 minutes later. So Jadira got baptized and the next morning we passed by to pick her up for the confirmation. Jadira said she couldn`t go because her mom was angry at her for something and said she couldn’t leave. We tried and tried and tried to get the mom to let her go but she didn`t want to talk to us. (The mom has a lot of troubles that we are trying to help her with). All hope seamed lost until Blanca showed up to take Jadira to her confirmation. After Blanca talked to the mom and Jadira, Jadira was in the church being confirmed. I can not believe how awesome Blanca is. David was at the church early, received the priesthood, and was standing outside the church at 5 15pm, 15 minutes early for the Aaronic priesthood meeting in the church. David and Blanca have to be two of my best converts. I am so thankful for them and so proud of how awesome they are and devoted to what they know is true. Jadira now can feed off of their examples and hopefully in a few weeks, Jadira`s whole family can be members of the church.
I also heard that my converts from Cuenca, Diego and Elizabeth will be getting sealed in the Guayaquil Temple in March!!! If i am still here in Guayaquil at that time I will be able to attend the (sellamiento) ¿¿sealing??
This week has been super great. We have gotten way more focused. President held a 2-day meeting with the senior companions of a couple zones and he told us to repent and work harder. I am still convinced that I have the best mission president in the world. I know probably everyone says that, but I am sure that Presidente Montalti is the best. He just knows how to get to me and put me back on the right track. Anyways, my companion and I made a goal to invite everything that moves and/or breaths to be baptized. It worked. We had much success. This week, 11 people accepted to be baptized. 6 actually live in our sector. We passed the others off to the office to give the references to the missionaries. What we learned is that we should never be afraid to talk to anyone and that we should just invite them to receive a remission of their sins.
I hope everything is great in AZ. Wear 24 proudly Gavin and score North Korean nuclear missiles!
Elder McRae