Saturday, October 13, 2012

9.30.12 Guayaquil, Ecuador


Now that this week has ended, we can focus on the best week of the year. CONFERENCE.  The Lord`s blessing is that at least half of the people you bring to conference WILL get baptized.  So we are doing our best to bring lots of people.  

Talmage saved me this week as well.  My first experience with Talmage was Thursday night.  We were teaching a less active family when one of their non member family members came into the house.  For some reason he attacked me right off the bat about what God`s name is.  After about 20 minutes of wasted time explaining how Jehova and Jesus are the same person, everyone understood... besides him.  I have already learned that people don`t accept reason, and are stubborn; but that`s okay.  Anyway, so I have some homework for you guys.  Can you find a scripture in the OLD TESTAMENT when a prophet saw God the FATHER? I am still searching.  Anyway, on Sunday that man just happened to go to church, was reading the Book of Mormon, and listening to the missionaries in his own ward.  So that was further evidence that this is not my work.  It is God's work.  Cool right?  

The second Talmage experience.  Bishop this week asked me 5 minutes into sacrament meeting to give a 15 minute talk on fasting.  I couldn`t think of a harder topic to wing.  Luckily, I had read the part in Jesus the Christ that talks about how Jesus was tempted to turn the rocks into bread.  I remembered a few scriptures from that part and was able to share a couple examples in the Bible about when people sinned in order to eat and how fasting helps us to overcome our natural man.  It ended up being a pretty good talk with lots of scriptures and I was able to share a couple of examples from my mission thus far.  So thanks to Jesus the Christ, I was able to act in the two situations this week.  

Anyways, I am so thankful for the members in my ward.  Without them, we would have had a very bad first three weeks working in the sector without knowing anything or anyone.  But they have been super helpful.  One of the members is going to pick all our investigators up in his bus and take them to conference this weekend.  

Tell Bishop King I learned a great knew joke.  Since he sits behind the speaker, tell him to give the person speaking a `Flat Tire.`   I found that super annoying as my bishop did that about 5 times as I was speaking.  The first and second counselors were just laughing.  

Make sure when you go to conference you go spiritually prepared.  As a missionary, I have really learned about the importance of General Conference and any conference.  If you go spiritually prepared, the Lord WILL speak to you.  We promise that to our investigators and all of them that go with the question of whether they should be baptized or not, all of them come out with a great desire to be baptized.  All is well in Guayaquil.

Elder McRae

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