Monday, November 19, 2012

10.29.12 Guayaquil, Ecuador


My head has been full of millions of emotions.  I can´t explain most of them. The part that gives me the most comfort is that I really, really couldn’t care less about the whole Dear John issue.  I have other preoccupations. (I don´t know if that is a word... Preocupaciones). We had a great meeting with President this week and he basically talked about cracking down and focusing.  I was thankful for that because I do think it really helped.  He gave a great example that showed us how important our calling really is, and how the Lord expects us to work in his vineyard.  

We actually had a very successful week.  We brought lots of people to church and have some great baptismal prospects.  We worked very hard in the midst of all my crazy emotions.  What I think really freaks me out is my future.  I just don`t have any idea what I want to do.  I have an idea of what I want to do but it seams more like fantasyland than reality.  SO that is a little bit discouraging at times.  But as I keep my mind focused on what I am doing, and how Heavenly Father is breathing down my neck, I am okay.  

A lot of what you said in your letter makes sense to me.  I really have been doing a lot of thinking.  A LOT of thinking.  Like dad, mostly thinking in the negative.  I thought to myself a few times, like you said, why don`t I just give up? What am I getting out of this?  I am useless and unneeded.  But I think, also like you said, NO I made a covenant in the temple.  WHY WOULD I THINK OR CARE ABOUT THAT?  If I am ready to quit and give up, why does my covenant in the temple matter?  But I am so grateful that I possess that quality.  You’re right. One of my gifts is loyalty and commitment to covenants. I surprised myself as I thought that to myself.  I don’t need to rethink covenants I have already made! I must actually be doing what is right because I know I made a promise to Heavenly Father… not because I want to please my parents, or my friends, or anyone else.  

I have thought and rethought about a lot of things, and I just hope and try to exercise the faith that everything will turn out well.  I just don`t want to be miserable for my whole life.  I want to find a wife that I love, and share great experiences with her and my children that I love.  I want to magnify my calling and help others be happy as I do it.  That is where I have to show my faith because as of right now, none of those things are in a clear position.  But I do feel a lot better.  Every day is a battle, but what did Jesus say?  ¨Toma tu cruz y anda¨ I think that means take your cross and walk.  It wasn`t all easy and fun and games for him.  Why should it be for me?  

So yes- we had a much better week this week.  I hope you did too.  Last night as I was eating dinner with one of the best families in Ecuador, Sister Glenda told me to tell you guys that I love you.  I told her it felt awkward to me to tell my family I love them and she about smacked me off the chair.  Her son is on a mission in Venezuela.  He had to wait 6 months for his visa so he served part of his mission here in Ecuador.  He and I were together when I was in Naranjito, so I have a good relationship with him and now the rest of his family.  Anyways, so I have to practice so that it becomes more comfortable.  I love you MOM.  I love you DAD.  I love you CAMERON.  I love you Gavin.  And of course, I love you ABBS.

Elder McRae

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