I emailed last week so I don’t know what happened. I will send it again but that really makes me mad. Oh well.
So this week... Not much happening really. Satan is still working as hard as he can to slow us down. Every week, we are reminded that we are not in the best sector of the mission. But that is fine because we are still working hard and actually having success. It just means when I leave to a real sector I will have all my work ethic from this sector and we will be able to have lots of success.
So, the old assistant to the president goes home this week. Which means the last week, the mission president put him in a lower position so he could just finish his mission as a normal missionary. My companion and I are blessed because he is our district leader. So this week we had the opportunity to go on exchanges with him and then he gave us our own little lesson. It was so great. We learned a lot!
In church the other day, a 6 year old boy was giving a talk about when Jesus was as young as he was. He talked for about 2 minutes and then ended his talk by saying, ¨And Jesus really was a boy like me. He was handsome and intelligent just like me, AMEN¨ It was pretty funny. I have a few more stories but they will have to wait until I get home.
So on Thursday, I complete 6 months. The time is flying by. So in no time, I will be done. And there is still a lot of work to be done. Tell me how the super bowl ends up and you guys never told me if the US or Venezuela won.
Elder McRae
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