Friday, February 24, 2012

2.6.12 Puerto LIsa, Ecuador


All the stuff going on at home sounds like a lot of fun.  That totally is crazy how every single one of my friends is serving a Spanish speaking mission.  I was really hoping someone would get called to the Ecuador Guyaquil South Mission.  Oh well.  If any of them want advice here are 2 things that will help them prepare.  Begin living the missionary schedule.  (wake up early, exercise, shower, read scriptures for an hour, then study preach my gospel for an hour, then STUDY SPANISH!)  Then just start the day normal at 11 when they finish all those things.  The other thing is STUDY SPANISH.  You can learn so much so fast.  You can become fluent enough in 9 weeks.  Then they would have the MTC to learn for 9 more weeks and they could show up to the mission and actually be a missionary not just the junior companion that sits in on lessons because he has no idea what’s going on.  Those two things would help the most.

Okay, so I got changed today.  I am no longer in Independencia.  I moved to the next zone over.  I am literally 10 minutes or less from my old sector.  I am in Puerto Lisa, the sector La Colmena.  It definitely is one economic class higher that Independencia.  I learned a lot in Independencia but the work didn’t always pay off.  I am kind of grateful for that though.  I gained a new outlook on missionary work because of it.  But I am excited to get working here and see what we can do.  My new companion is Elder Dahlin.  He is from California.  He is actually from the same area as Kyle Brazelton´s mission.  He lives in that mission´s boundaries.  Pretty sweet huh?

Here are some pictures that I have taken in Independencia.

Elder McRae

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