Wednesday, September 7, 2011

8/25/2011 Letter from Peru MTC

I am in Peru!

This MTC is amazing! …besides the fact that it looks like we are in a confined prison it is great.  They are so laid back here.  A lady just came and told us we have free time until dinner.  So me and the guys from my district went and checked out the soccer field.  I will try to send you pictures because it is the most beautiful thing we have ever seen.  Tell Gavin and Cameron it looks exactly like something out of FIFA STREET.  The most ghetto houses are behind the field yet the field is miraculous.  The computers here are in Spanish so it is hard to type.  Anyway, they will let us email whoever we want family or not.  Peru is very 3rd world.  The houses are completely run down.  The roads have no laws.  At 2am when we drove to the MTC from the airport the bus driving was honking and swerving through all lanes of traffic.  My P day will be on Wednesdays again.  I have to get off now though.  There are tons of elders waiting and I’m going to go play soccer since they let us do that whenever we want basically.  This place is GREAT. I don’t know to push enter on this computer.  Love, Elder McRae

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