Wednesday, September 7, 2011

8/23/11 Letter from Provo MTC


This week has consisted mainly of preparing to leave.  Me and the three other elders have been attending meetings and getting information to leave.  I still was never given an address for Peru but I will get it the day I enter the MTC. 

Nothing really changes in the MTC so there isn't much to report. 

We watched a video of Elder Holland speaking to the MTC in 2001.  He loved his mission so much.  He firmly told the MTC that this was the most important time of our life.  He said it will be hard.  He said we represent Jesus Christ so how dare we ask for it to be easy.  How dare we want to represent Jesus Christ and expect to not feel a fraction of the pain that he felt in The Garden of Gethsemane. 

The devotional is tonight so I can’t report on that yet.  We had a fireside on Sunday however.  The speaker spoke about not being STUPID.  He spoke of a missionary who bet his companion that he could jump on a moving train.  When he tried he slipped and fell under the train.  It was very powerful.

Yesterday we had our going away devotional.  They just went over steps we had to take to make sure we transitioned smoothly into the next area.  The part that was most touching to me was the closing hymn.  We sang, "God be with You till We Meet Again"  And it was just very powerful and the spirit was very strong.  The Spirit is always strong when we sing in the MTC.  

Anyway that's all that’s gone on here.  I am sure I will have plenty to write about next week after being in Peru.

Elder McRae 

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