Friday, September 23, 2011

9/20/11 letter from Peru MTC

This week was interesting.  Because all the new missionaries arrived this week, we didn’t get to go out on Saturday to proselyte.  This made Friday seem longer because there was nothing to look forward to on Saturday and Saturday felt like an eternity in the classroom.  We also fasted on Sunday because we always fast the first week the new missionaries arrive.  So I spent the whole week in the classroom studying.  It is easier to work your hardest in the class because the time goes by so much faster.  And when you can see yourself making progress you feel a lot better as well.  So, I don’t have too many spiritual or humbling experiences this week- just that my Spanish is getting better and better.  It would be hard to talk with a native but whenever there is a gospel discussion in Spanish, I feel like I would understand it all and be able to say what I wanted.  When we have firesides in Spanish, I can just pay attention and understand what is being said.  It is such a weird feeling when you almost can’t tell which language someone is speaking because they both sound so familiar now.  I have the Temple today and I get to take my new companion through.  That will be a good experience to share next week.

On Wednesday this week, we went on our tour of Lima.  It was great!!!!!  I took a lot of pictures (which I don’t know how I will get them to you but I will find out).  We saw some really cool things:  Huge catholic cathedrals, a tank, swat members, and much more.  Me and my district bought ¨Link hats¨ (hat´s that Link from Zelda wears). Ask Cameron and Gavin… they will know what I’m talking about and can explain it.  Mine is blue and I will wear it every P Day.  My new companion is Elder Nunton.  He doesn’t like soccer, which is funny.  He kicks the football with me or we play basketball at Gym… or he will play volleyball while I play soccer.  He LOVES Taylor Swift.  He is a funny kid. 

Sunday, I consecrated oil for the first time.  It was a great experience to use my priesthood authority.  I feel like I am going to possibly have to use it more pretty soon.  The other night I gave another elder a blessing of comfort.  Again, I got to use my priesthood authority.  It was a humbling experience for me.  Listening to the spirit is the difference between a good and bad missionary.  I tried my hardest to say what the spirit wanted me to say.  I blessed him that he would be able to be comforted and see the progress he was making in learning the Spanish language.  I blessed him that he would feel the affects of the atonement and know that Christ feels his frustration and through prayer he can be helped.  He was thankful for the blessing and I was thankful for the opportunity. 

We had a rat in our classroom the other night and it caused quite a riot.  Everyone jumped on their desk as it frantically ran around.  We finally led it outside with no damage done. 

Hopefully, I have more to talk about next week, since we will be tracting on Saturday and going to the temple today.

Elder McRae
I just got back from the Temple.  It was great.  I put names down on the prayer roll.  This was the first time I had ever done anything like this.  My favorite part of the temple was hearing the prayer, ¨Por favor, bendiceles las familias en la iglesia¨ (Please bless the families of the church)  The workers giving the prayers always say exactly what is on my mind.  They are truly inspired and it proves the trueness and divineness of the Temple.  I also got to see my companion walk through the doors of the celestial room with a huge smile.  It was just as great as the first time I went through, and the first time my first companion went through.

I have an interesting story about getting to the temple however.  I was actually a little hesitant to tell it but I will anyway.  Me and my American companion, Elder Curtis, were running a little late to catch the bus for the temple.  As we left the MTC, the bus drove off leaving us behind.  We were waiting for another bus to come by when a man called out to us and pulled over.  He had the little family sticker on the back of his car and we felt good about accepting his offer, so we got in his car as he drove us to the temple.  We thanked him and in our best Spanish, asked how he was and if he was a member.  We were shocked to hear him say no.  We were only in the car for about 5 minutes but managed to tell him that our church blesses families and God would bless him for his generous action.  We also mentioned that maybe God prompted him to stop to pick up two white boys off the side of the road because we had an important message for him.  We left him with a Plan of Salvation pamphlet since it was all we had.  We both wished we had a Book of Mormon or something, but we didn’t.  Anyways, point is, God puts people in your path for a reason.  We have no idea if he will come to church on Sunday or even give us a second thought, but at least we did our part and just maybe planted a seed that will grow.  I am not even in the field, but am seeing the miracles the Lord is allowing us to experience.

I am going to go play soccer on a beautiful turf field now for 4 hours on a beautiful sunny day.  (first time we have seen the sun in about 5 days)

Elder McRae

Sunday, September 18, 2011

9/14/2011 Letter from Peru MTC

3 weeks down, 3 more to go.
My Latino companion is gone.  They woke us up yelling and turning on the lights at 4am as they left for the airport.  As annoying as they could be at times, they could be spiritual giants when they needed to be.  We will miss them even though we are glad for the peace and quiet.  We get new Latino companions today.

SO this week was one of the hardest weeks of the mission.  Me and my companion set out Saturday on the streets of downtown Lima.  There were not a lot of doors, so we tried contacting from the streets.  This was a rather wealthy part of Peru so the doors we did knock on were very nice.  We spent the first hour getting doors slammed in our face with people saying ¨soy catolico!!!¨ I could see my companion was taking it hard.  I started feeling discouraged as well.  A couple hours in, we had gotten into one house and taught a lesson that ended in a lady committing to nothing and not scheduling a revisit.  This was hard on both of us.  We trudged along as people would shout from buildings and on the side of the streets (translated) ¨Go worship the devil somewhere else!¨ and all manner of swear words.  My companion gave me rough translations but I could tell basically what they were saying.  We continued walking and I happened to see 2 white tourists.  I immediately went up to them and asked if they needed any help since they looked lost.  They couldn’t speak Spanish and began walking away.  I then asked in English.  They turned around yelled NO and said a couple other sentences in French, or some other language and stormed off.  3 hours passed and we felt like failures.  We knocked on an old lady’s door.  She shunned us pretty quick and was about to slam the door when her grandson asked who it was.  He was a 16 year old boy, Jose.  We asked if he wanted to hear from us and he agreed.  I taught him about the restoration and showed him a picture of when Jesus visited the Americas.  He was so interested.  He agreed to read a few chapters in the Book of Mormon and to come check out the church with us.  We escorted him to the church and he met with one of the members who worked out to pick him up from church the next morning.  The smiles on my companion and my faces were easily noticed.  The 3 and a half hours of rejection was forgotten by this boy’s desire to come to church.  We are so happy for him.  My companion is now in Mexico, and I will never see Jose again, but knowing that we helped him begin to change his life is amazing.  After we all got on the bus again, everyone had a similar story.  Door after door was shut in their face but because these Elders are so strong each one came home saying it was a great experience because of the one or two families or people they taught.
Being a missionary is hard.  You can’t coast.  Every second has to be devoted to learning the language and listening to the spirit.  It is so obvious the spirit is your companion.  And it’s more obvious when you don’t feel the spirit in a lesson.  When the spirit is there, miracles happen. 
I am so glad I am a missionary.  The Language is coming so fast.  I have been studying Spanish for 6 weeks and can basically teach any gospel principle.  The everyday language is difficult but the lord has prepared us with what we need to know.
Love you all.  Shout out to Ms. Hagar!
Elder McRae

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

9/7/2011 Letter from Peru MTC


I think you should have my Ecuador address, but I don´t.  I know my address for here but I don’t have it right here with me.  I’ll send it later tonight.  If you do send anything it has to consist of only 2 pieces of paper.  Also, stamps are 6 dollars a piece here, so it would be nice if you could send me a letter with some stamps in it.

I have a ton to talk about. 

On Saturday we went tracting all day.  Me, my Latino companion, and the huge real world of Peru.  We tracked in the poorest area I have ever seen.  It looked like hoovervilles.  People lived in either sheds, homes made of tarps for walls.  I couldn’t believe how people could actually live like this.  Kids were playing soccer in the dirt roads, wild dogs roamed the areas in search of food, and garbage filled the streets.  Everyone looked at us as we walked from door to door. (if they had a door)  I couldn’t talk much; A. because I couldn’t understand what anyone was saying and B. because I was shocked at the living conditions or these human beings.  Sugar lives a life a royalty compared to these people.  It was unreal.  So I spent most the lessons not saying much.  I shared my testimony and maybe a scripture in the handful of lessons we taught. 

The best experience of the mission so far though came at the last home we visited.  It was a single young man named Mori who used to be a member.  My companion was asking him how he was and the gift of tongues started to kick in.  I could understand almost everything he said.  He talked about how he quit going to church because the members were mean to him and ignored him.  I finally spoke up.  I don´t know how I did it but I spoke with what seamed like flawless Spanish.  I said, ¨look Mori, I don’t know what happened previously in church.  I don´t know why they treated you poorly.  But I do know this.  We are representatives of Jesus Christ.  And heavenly father sent us specifically to you because he misses his Son.  He misses you and wants you to return to him.¨ He began to tear up.  I asked him that if we went to church with him, or if a member picked him up and brought him to church would he come on Sunday.  He said ¨I don’t know.  Its too hard.¨ So I said ¨Mori, I am going to say a prayer.  During the prayer I want you to think about what your Heavenly Father wants you to do and after the prayer I am going to ask you again¨ He said okay and I said the prayer.  In the prayer I asked heavenly father to make his will known to us and to give us the strength to follow his will.  After the prayer I asked him again and he began to cry and said okay yes I will go. 

The excitement and joy that me and Elder Flores felt was amazing.  We didn’t want to leave.  We felt ready for the field.  All the missionaries felt that way after Saturday.  When you can truly touch someone’s life the joy you feel is unlike anything we have felt before.  I am so excited to go to Ecuador.  And we look forward to Saturdays so much now.  We have agreed they are even better than P Day because we get to do the real work and touch real people’s lives.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a missionary.  I am doing great and not feeling any sorrow or missing anything or anyone.  We missionaries are the most prayed for people on the face of the planet.  We feel the world’s prayers everyday. 

Elder McRae

8/31/2011 Letter from Peru MTC

I have so much to say and absolutely no time to say it.  So many great things have happened but I will just share what is most important.  My companion is from Peru, speaks no English but doesn’t stop talking, and stands at 5 foot 2 on a tall day.  He is the greatest.  He is so funny.  All the Latinos crack us up all day long.  They try so hard to speak English and teach us Spanish.  I can see why people begin to love the people of this mission.  (besides when we play soccer I love these elders.)  They are so humble and willing to help and serve. (besides in soccer)  Anyway I think I know one reason I’m in Peru (besides to learn the language).  I need to learn to love the people of my mission.  This MTC teaches that more than anything.  It is true, the more you serve someone the more you love them.  The mission president told us that on the Latinos’ last Sunday, two weeks, they have to bear their testimonies in English.  Helping my companion speak English is forcing me to love him.  Listening to him stumble through "I know the book of Mormon is true, I know Christ lives, my companion is the best, in the name of Jesus Christ amen" is so touching.  Then to add onto that, my companion took out his endowments this morning.  Guess who was is escort?  Yes me.  Watching his eyes light up as he walked into the celestial room was the best feeling I have had since being here.  I guess it actually won’t be hard for me to love the people of South America. 

So I was getting a little sick of the Latinos saying they were so great at football so me, 3 other club soccer players, the safety for BYU, and a couple other athletes challenged them.  We slapped them around for an hour and won 5-0.  It was the 2nd best feeling of the MTC so far.  We now all just play together and it is fun and not competitive. 

We eat the same things over and over and over again.  Rice, and some kind of meat. And we eat it in baby portions. 

Anyway… that is a little bit of my adventures of Peru.  Also, stay as far from the street as possible.  And the bus rides to the temple are terrifying.  Be thankful for U.S. transportation.

Elder McRae

8/25/2011 Letter from Peru MTC

I am in Peru!

This MTC is amazing! …besides the fact that it looks like we are in a confined prison it is great.  They are so laid back here.  A lady just came and told us we have free time until dinner.  So me and the guys from my district went and checked out the soccer field.  I will try to send you pictures because it is the most beautiful thing we have ever seen.  Tell Gavin and Cameron it looks exactly like something out of FIFA STREET.  The most ghetto houses are behind the field yet the field is miraculous.  The computers here are in Spanish so it is hard to type.  Anyway, they will let us email whoever we want family or not.  Peru is very 3rd world.  The houses are completely run down.  The roads have no laws.  At 2am when we drove to the MTC from the airport the bus driving was honking and swerving through all lanes of traffic.  My P day will be on Wednesdays again.  I have to get off now though.  There are tons of elders waiting and I’m going to go play soccer since they let us do that whenever we want basically.  This place is GREAT. I don’t know to push enter on this computer.  Love, Elder McRae

8/23/11 Letter from Provo MTC


This week has consisted mainly of preparing to leave.  Me and the three other elders have been attending meetings and getting information to leave.  I still was never given an address for Peru but I will get it the day I enter the MTC. 

Nothing really changes in the MTC so there isn't much to report. 

We watched a video of Elder Holland speaking to the MTC in 2001.  He loved his mission so much.  He firmly told the MTC that this was the most important time of our life.  He said it will be hard.  He said we represent Jesus Christ so how dare we ask for it to be easy.  How dare we want to represent Jesus Christ and expect to not feel a fraction of the pain that he felt in The Garden of Gethsemane. 

The devotional is tonight so I can’t report on that yet.  We had a fireside on Sunday however.  The speaker spoke about not being STUPID.  He spoke of a missionary who bet his companion that he could jump on a moving train.  When he tried he slipped and fell under the train.  It was very powerful.

Yesterday we had our going away devotional.  They just went over steps we had to take to make sure we transitioned smoothly into the next area.  The part that was most touching to me was the closing hymn.  We sang, "God be with You till We Meet Again"  And it was just very powerful and the spirit was very strong.  The Spirit is always strong when we sing in the MTC.  

Anyway that's all that’s gone on here.  I am sure I will have plenty to write about next week after being in Peru.

Elder McRae 

8/17/2011 Letter from Provo MTC

Dear Family,

Next week I will be writing on Tuesday because we will be leaving for Peru early on Wednesday.  I have no Peru information as far as how you can contact me yet.  I am sure I will get it before I leave however. 

While I was reading your dear elder about the pornography talk in church it reminded me of a movie clip I watched that I think you should check out. You may have already seen it but I remember when I first saw it, it had a great impact spiritually on me.  If you go to and click on Mormon messages, the video is called "Watch your Step" Of course it is elder Holland speaking so it’s going to automatically bring in the spirit.  The part that gets me every single time whether is see it or just think about it is when Elder Holland says, "Picture the faces of the ones who love you... (gets choked up) AND HOW THEY WOULD BE SHATTERED!"  the video just makes it even more dramatic so I think you should watch it.

Anyway, nothing new has been happening in the MTC.  We are slowly going insane just like we promised we wouldn't the first day upon arrival at the MTC.  It is the little things that bring us excitement here.  It only takes one good pealing of your hard boiled egg to make your day here.  Or using your workout stretchy band as a sling shot to launch jolly ranchers into the flesh of your fellow elders at night. Yes, imbedded into the flesh.  We have created a weapon. 

Someone explain to Dad what Foursquare is.  Everyone in the MTC plays it to the death.  No one plays soccer or volleyball and even basketball is not that popular.  But foursquare is the thing of the MTC. 

On Sunday two elders were giving a lesson about the attributes of Christ.  The week prior I was getting frustrated because our teachers would not teach Spanish.  They focused on more things like how to teach and how to plan to teach.  I felt like I already knew these things from mission prep so it bugged me that he wouldn’t focus on learning Spanish so I could speak better.  Anyway, so during the lesson we went around the room expressing our feelings on Faith, Knowledge, Patience, Charity, Obedience, Virtue, Diligence, and so forth.  Finally it hit me towards the end of the lesson.  I raised my hand and said, "Why are we learning this lesson? Why are we here in the MTC?  We are literally representing Christ as missionaries.  If we are to represent him, we better have his characteristics.  We sit in class for 11 hours a day to learn knowledge.  We give up all our time to serve to learn charity.  They suck every un-virtuous thing out of the MTC to teach us virtue.  THEY GIVE US A COMPANION TO LEARN PATIENCE.  The MTC is training us to be the best representatives of Christ that we can be.  That is why we are here."  After I realized this and said this we have been better missionaries.  We have been more diligent and have been complain free.  Because we now understand why we do what we do all day.  The lessons really do not matter that much.  Whether we speak Spanish well won't matter either.  Every convert usually says, "I had no idea what they taught me, but I do know how I felt." If we develop the attributes of Christ then they will feel our spirit that we bring in their homes and that is what will convert. 

That was the main lesson I learned this week. One more thing since I have time.  Last night, Elder Evans of the 70 spoke to us.  One thing that stuck in my mind is that I, as a missionary, will be the answers to people prayers.  If I do not stay 100% receptive to the spirit then someone's prayer may not be answered.  And, I at the end of my life will have to sit before God while he asks why I didn't listen to the prompting to speak to that ONE person.  And then he may go on to say, "because you did not talk to the ONE man when i prompted you to he did not feel like his prayer was answered.  He then did not accept the gospel and it rests on your shoulders because you ignored the prompting." So I learned to listen to all of your promptings. 

My time is up.  Next week on Wednesday I will be calling Mom's cell phone and Dad's.  I am allowed to call while in the Atlanta airport.  I don't know exactly when that time will be so just keep your phone's on in class I guess.  I can also call when I land in Peru possibly.  Tell Gav his phone doesn't update pre-season games.

Elder McRae

8/10/2011 Letter from Provo MTC

Dear Family

I will only be able to write letters and respond to emails on Wednesdays.  This may change when I get to Peru.  My district and especially the four of us going to Peru got that short end of the stick when it comes to P-Days.  Our P-Day is on Wednesdays which means we had to wait a whole week before we got one.  Also, for us going to Peru we leave Wednesday the 24th which means we are out another P-Day.  So I will only be writing one more letter while here in the Provo MTC. 

The days are so ridiculously long here that they all just feel like one day smashed together.  We have NO free time ever.  I only have 25 minutes to respond to emails on P-Day.  I am only allowed to email my direct family as well.  So our day consists of waking up and heading to the classroom for personal study.  We eat breakfast then have another hour of companionship study in the classroom.  We then spend the next 3 hours in the classroom learning how to teach in Spanish.  Then we go to lunch.  After lunch we do another hour of language practice in a different classroom with computers. We go to gym after this for an hour. Then we get dinner. Then we return to our classroom for 3 more hours of Spanish and teaching an investigator in Spanish.  We then close in the classroom with an hour long district meeting.  Then we go back to our rooms for an hour of personal

 quiet time study then we sleep.  We are in the classroom for about 11 hours every day.
My district is great.  We are all different.  Most are very nerdy, some are not, but we all get along almost too well.  We have a blast together.  My companion is by far the most nerdy and can get very annoying.  Luckily I have a lot of patience so he is in great hands.  I just have to save him sometimes from one of the other district members before he gets attacked.  I have been dubbed the KING of 4 square in the gym.  It can get very intense and heated but of course that is exactly what I love.  I was standing by the world map one day and a group of elders came up to ask me if I was leaving soon.  I said "yes sorry do you want to look at the map?" they responded "no we would just like to be able to win at four square and we can't until you leave!" 

Lucky for me I have 2 other elders from my district in the same room and me and my companion.  They are my favorite district members.  They keep me sane while I have to listen to my companion take way too long to explain himself.  We all have a great time together though. 

Now for some spiritual insight.  The first 3 or 4 days I began to feel like a worthless missionary.  I knew I could teach the lessons just as well of better than any missionary in the MTC.  The only problem, I can’t speak Spanish.  I felt useless.  Like a missionary who could in no way fulfill my purpose to bring souls to God.  It troubled me greatly.  I felt like the Lord would have to babysit me since I couldn't explain the lessons in Spanish the way I wanted to.  After studying and speaking with my AMAZING branch president I discovered that God has humbled me for a reason.  The more prideful you are as a missionary the less effective you are.  The Lord makes some missionaries humble themselves but with me he couldn’t afford to waste time.  He got me early.  He called me to Ecuador so in the MTC I would feel worthless.  He called me to Ecuador so I would have no other option but to reply on him.  He is going to mold me to be what he wants me to be.  He can’t mold a hard piece of clay.  He had to break me down and soften me to mold me into what he wants.  If I try to fight that I WILL be worthless.  I have accepted that only through him and the Holy Ghost will I be an effective missionary.  Elder Samuelson from the 70 spoke to us last night.  He spoke of the importance of our missions.  He told a story that made me think if those missionaries in Aberdeen Scotland did not accept their call to serve a mission i would not be here today.  How important is it that i strive to be the best missionary I can be so that in 40 years some little Ecuadorian 19 year old kid can say, "I am on a mission because 40 years ago Elder McRae taught my grandparents the Gospel."  When I think of it in these terms it makes clear sense why I am here.  I am here to change lives of not only the people I teach but all of their posterity as well.

Keep sending the dear elders! It’s what we look forward to most during the day.  Try and get my friends to write and tell me what’s up so I can share my testimony with them.

Love you all, I miss you just as much as you miss me.... which is not that much ;)

Elder McRae

Conner's Address at the Mission Office

Elder Conner Ramsay McRae

Ecuador Guayaquil South Mission

Casilla 09-06-286

Guayaquil, Guayas


P.S. Another great way to send letters via computer is through DEARELDER.COM. It's FREE!  Sign up with an account and you can send him letters all the time!