Monday, July 30, 2012

7.1.12 Happy 20th Birthday!


I see the world here and I always have the hope that the world back at home is a lot better.  I guess it´s not...How do I make sure these things don’t happen to my kids? 

Anyways, this week was alright.  We found a few new investigators and set a few new baptismal dates.  However, like usual, only one investigator came to church.  I don’t know why no one ever wants to come to church, but they don’t. 

We are teaching a lady whose husband beats her regularly.  She actually isn’t married to him but they have a baby together.  Make right choices or you could be stuck in this situation.  She is super excited to learn and come to church next week.  Her boyfriend is in the military and wants nothing to do with the gospel.  He just wants to drink, smoke, cheat on his girlfriend, and beat her as well.  I have never had the desire to pray for someone to disappear before.  We are going to see what we can do so that she can get as far away from him as possible. 

I gave a blessing to one of the Elders that lives with us.  It was a super spiritual experience.  I remembered how important and how real the priesthood is.  The Lord guided me and I gave him a blessing of comfort.  It also helped me to refocus on what is important.  Yesterday, I offered the pray to dedicate the new home of some members.  I am so thankful that they had enough confidence in me to specifically ask me to do the dedication.  I have so much time here in Cuenca that I really do feel like it is my home.  I am grateful to be here… even if no one wants to listen.  In the testimony meeting, one of the members bore his testimony on courage.  He told a story about when he saw me talking to a couple of druggies in his neighborhood.  He said he looked up to me as an example of a brave person… someone who is not afraid to talk to anyone.  I was thankful that someone was grateful for what I have been doing here.

I saw Spain kill Italy.  BORING.  Tomorrow is my birthday and it is the first time I will receive mail in 2 months.  I have a few packages and a million letters waiting for me.  It will be a great birthday present. 

Everything is great here in Ecuador!
Elder McRae

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