Monday, July 30, 2012

6.2.12 Cuenca, Ecuador


I have realized that I am horrible at expressing emotion. I have so many feelings and thoughts right now but I have no idea how to put them into words.  Your Email was perfect.  It contained everything I wanted to hear. 

First, I am glad to hear that Ms. Hagar got my letter.  I really don´t understand her fear of reading the Book of Mormon, but whatever.  I put a scripture from Jacob in my letter so she at least knows one scripture now. 

As far as selling the house, that stinks.  I was looking forward to coming back from college to watch World Cup 2014.  But one thing I have lost a lot of interest for is useless things like houses and cars and things like that.  Toys, houses, pools, big yards, all that stuff really doesn´t even matter.  There are just so many other things to worry about in life.  So whatever makes the most sense, do that.  Buy the house next to Jared and Kyle.

Happy Birthday, Abbie.

After reading my emails today, I am so happy, relieved, excited, and many other emotions.  I have always seen myself as someone who does not judge and who can forgive easily.  I think of the problems I have had in my own life and it makes it impossible to judge anyone else.  The best thing that you can do is ACCEPT.  There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to change what has been done.  Be a help... not a burden.  FORGIVE.  There is no way we can FORGET what happened.  But FORGIVE and FORGET have different significances.  FORGIVE.  Help. 

My biggest fear for the past 10 months has been ¨What will the people think when i return?¨ What will they see?  When I am giving my homecoming talk will they know I was a good missionary?  My mission president talks about this a lot.  He says a mission president only has to look into the eyes of a return missionary and he knows what kind of missionary he is.  I have been trying my hardest to build the attributes of a powerful human being.  When you told me President Wagner expressed basically his approval of who I was before the mission, I felt great.  He is someone I have grown up admiring.  He has been a role model to me.  Maybe this is not completely right, but a part of me serves this mission with the goal in mind to impress my role models. (Dad, Bishop King, President Hinton, Bishop Call, my Grandpas, and President Richardson)  I think it has helped me to work a lot harder.  What I have realized though, is the way I am going to receive the approval of all these people is by working my hardest, by loving the people, and by becoming a disciple of Christ.  SO this is my goal.  Not the approval… because I know that isn´t right… but my goal is to do my best, and become a true disciple of Christ. 

The work is good here.  Luis AmaguaƱa is going to get baptized this week.  Two of my converts Diego and Elizabet are doing amazing.  They went to the temple to do baptisms for the dead and are super excited to be sealed.  In 10 months, I hope to be in the temple with them to see them get sealed together.  I can´t think of a more happy moment.  The ward is good.  We had a combined lesson on the role of a husband and the role of a wife.  GOOD STUFF!

Anyways, Prayers are the cause of Miracles.  I hope you all learned that this week.

Elder McRae

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