Monday, November 21, 2011

11/14/11 Naranjito, Ecuador


Okay.  I really do not know what to talk about in this email.  But, here is the thing.  This week I have just caught fire with the work.  My companion and I are being as obedient as we know how to be, and making sure we turn Naranjito and the whole zone of Milagro right side up because it is upside down.  This is the zone with the most baptisms in the whole mission.  And this past week the whole zone, 3 districts, had zero baptisms.  So Elder Church and I made some goals to jump start our district and hopefully our zone.  We worked like animals this week.  Looking back on the week I don’t know how many miles we walked but I know it was a ridiculous amount.  We taught great lessons to tons of investigators and we are working with them every day to prepare them for baptism.  Since my first 2 weeks, I have not had a baptism.  No one had even accepted a date really to be baptized.  This week we have 8 dates with people.  In the next four weeks we should have at least 4 baptisms starting this coming weekend.  Our hard work is totally paying off.  We have great investigators who are preparing and excited for baptism!

The work is really becoming addicting.  When we see our efforts paying off, it makes me want to just keep going.  It is just a ton of fun.  I don´t even have any crazy experiences to tell about this week.  It has just been filled with us making sure we see every investigator every day so they can be prepared. 

The one gospel principle I have learned more of this week though, is agency.  Agency is everything in this work.  It’s everything in the plan of God.  We chose to come here, and it’s the choices we make that determine if we make it back or not.  But I can’t imagine how God feels when we know something is right and we don`t do it.  We have a couple investigators who we know for a fact have felt the spirit testify of the truthfulness of what we have taught and they still won’t accept it.  This is when Elder Church and I think about how good Satan`s plan sounds.  We want to just make them do the right because we want it for them so bad.  But we have to give them their agency.  And the thing is, when our investigators show up to church (when we never went to pick them up), nothing makes us happier.  Seeing them choose the right on their own gives us a great feeling.  I imagine it is how our Heavenly Father feels when we obey his commands with our own free will. 

The mission teaches so many things.  I can already see why this is such a crucial time in my life.  This is the best decision I have ever made. 

As far as a Christmas present, I don’t know.  And I never got a package yet.  So I don’t know what you’re talking about.  For Christmas I want just a cheap, cool looking tie, a long sleeve white shirt, and crazy amounts of candy.  Oh and SUPER IMPORTANT.  I know I said I didn’t want this stuff but I found out it would help a lot.  I want PICTURES.  Pictures of the family, DANTRELL, KYLE, JARED, Sarah and her family, and maybe a couple of me.  That would be perfect.  But especially pictures of MY BOYS! Dantrell, kyle, and jared. 

Elder McRae

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