I don´t really have a whole lot to talk about. Tuesday we were walking home when my companion turned around and started yelling at a man in his front yard. He was asking him what his problem was. I was really confused. The man and my companion argued for the next 20 minutes and I didn’t really know what they were saying. Afterwards Elder Silva told me the man was saying things about Gringos behind our back. Elder Silva is from Chile, so he turned around and basically told him to explain himself. The man talked about how if he wanted to go to our country he would get shot by boarder control but we get to walk freely in his country. Elder Silva said, ¨I am from Chile, so I don’t know what you’re talking about, talk to my companion¨ I had no idea what the guy was saying so Elder Silva explained some things to him about boarder patrol or something and we left. It was an interesting experience.
Last night we taught a clown. Literally, a CLOWN. With face paint and the outfit and everything. He came to church and said he would be baptized. Again, another interesting experience.
So today I was up at 4:30 am because there are changes today. Elder Silva went to Guayaquil to be a zone leader and I got a new companion. His name is Elder Church and he is from Gilbert. So maybe people in our stake know his family or something like that. There is something encouraging he told me. Our apartment that I have been living in is horrible compared to others. So really, I got to experience the worst of the worst first. So when I leave Naranjito, I will have a good apartment to look forward to. Possibly with HOT WATER!
So I am really excited to get to work this week. I think it is going to be a very important week. We have a lot of interested investigators. I am learning a lot about love in general here in the mission. Love for others, and love for the Lord. It’s easier to love the Lord when things are not going perfect or you’re having a hard time. But I like that. I enjoy the difficulties because of what I learn from it and how I grow. Look at the positives of your situations, Christ is always there to help.
Elder McRae
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