Wednesday, March 6, 2013

12.10.12 Guayaquil (25 de Julio), Ecuador


Well it was another great week.  We had a lot of success and K got baptized!  I felt good all week and have been able to keep my head clear.  I don’t have any cool stories to tell but we have found a lot of people to teach.  Getting them to go to church has been difficult but we are praying that they will be able to make that change to their life.  I don’t really know what people do on Sundays in the United States but here, everyone just sits in front of their house and drinks.  We were looking for our investigators to bring to church and we passed a house that had tons of people in it, all drinking, and listening to music, and as I looked over at them, I felt pain for them.  I could almost feel how lost they were.  It was a weird experience that I haven’t had before.  I am sure I felt a little bit of what Heavenly Father feels as he looks down at his children.  

I can’t think of much more to report.  Changes will be made this week.  A TON of new missionaries will be getting here pretty soon and so President has to make some changes.  He needs a lot of trainers and some more district and zone leaders.  He said that by January, we should have 50 new missionaries.  

Elder Muñoz is great.  Every missionary I know from Colombia is awesome.  The people here in Guayaquil think a lot like everyone else about Colombia.  Lots of Drugs and Lots of Crime.  But I think it would be a cool place to be a missionary.  Everyone says the work there is great.  They have 2 temples.  The best part though, is their accent.  When thieves or shady people try to talk to us, my companion just talks with a thick Cali accent and no one messes with us.   

I am happy.  In my last letter, I blew up a bit, and I am sorry for that.  I really am enjoying myself here and learning so much.  I have learned so much about life.  We went to the temple this week and in the celestial room, I had a little conversation with God (By the way, I have always felt like I have had a very close, and strong relationship with Heavenly Father). I was just asking some questions in my head and listening to the thoughts that entered into my heart.  I asked, ‘What do you want me to do?’ and I felt his response "just preach my gospel." That is all he wants from me right now and that’s all he wants me focus on.  Life isn’t fair and I should never be angry about that.  I should accept whatever happens in my life and keep plugging along.  For now, all that is important is that I do my best to preach the gospel.  


Elder McRae

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