Wednesday, March 6, 2013

3.4.13 Pasaje, Ecuador


Okay, so that is cool that Cameron is going to Uruguay.  The world cup should be fun.  

We had an okay week.  We didn’t have any baptisms, but hopefully this week we can have some. 
Why is it that sometimes, I feel like the Lord builds me up so that it hurts so much more with the fall?  I guess there's always a lesson to learn.

We had a meeting with a general authority this week, Elder Waddell.  It was defiantly the best meeting I have ever been in.  The spirit was very strong and it motivated me to be better.  We talked about the gathering of Israel.  Anyways it was good.  He finished it by saying that what we are doing is real and if anyone wasn’t willing to accept their call by magnifying it to the best of our ability, then we could leave our plaque in his hand before we left the meeting.  It was great. He was pretty intense. 

Anyways, I don’t have any exciting news.  We will have changes this Monday.  So I may have a new area or a new companion next week.  


Elder McRae  

2.25.13 Pasaje, Ecuador


I got your packages a while ago.  I have the rubiks cube.  This week was great again up until Sunday when half our investigators were nowhere to be found in all of Pasaje.  We brought six people to church and so we still have something to work with.  This week, we are fighting for 2 baptisms.  A and R are brothers, single, and jobless.  So they have much on their minds and that sometimes distracts them from remembering the important things in their life; THEIR SALVATION.  But we are working hard with them.  

I have several stories, but I will just tell a couple.  We found a kid named Rafa.  He is 18 and never stops talking. He found us and told us that he is a member from Santa Rosa and he just moved here to get away from his bad influences.  He has strong desires to serve a mission and wants to get active again.  He is SO FUNNY!  He never stops talking and he teaches everybody about the law of chastity and the word of wisdom.  He visits our investigators out of his own free will and sits down and reads the scriptures with them and never tells us anything.  He quit his job so he could go to church.  He went to church and brought his cousin that is going to get baptized and now is working with a member in the ward.  He has helped us out in so many ways.  But seriously, he never shuts his mouth.  He reminds me a lot of Ben Colyar.  

Another story: As we were walking to one of our appointments, a man in a truck stopped us and said he wanted us to come visit him.  After we wrote down his address and stuff my companion asked me what I thought of the man.  ¨He is gay¨ I said.  My companion laughed for probably 15 minutes.  So anyway, we went and visited the man.  When we got to his house we almost fainted.  He lives in a mansion, has a pool, a gym, a sauna, a STADIUM (not a soccer field, a STADIUM) a peugeot convertible, and his dad owns a few banana fields.  He accepted to be baptized and he came to church on Sunday.  All the young men are begging us to baptize him so he can be their young men’s leader.  He is a really nice guy and he is very innocent.  He is 35 and lives with his parents.  He is in the university and he knows how to drive.  He just is very innocent.   So we are excited to keep visiting him.  

My companion, Elder Espinoza, is great.  I can probably say that he is my best companion.  He has only been a member for 2 years.  He is still junior companion, but he has grown up a lot and is an amazing missionary.  His testimony is the best part of him.  When this guy bears his testimony in the lessons, everyone can feel the spirit.  I told him one night, ¨Finally I have a companion who has a testimony of the church¨ He laughed and so did I because obviously we all have testimonies, but you can just tell that his testimony is ROCK SOLID.  And everyone who we talk to knows that.  It has been so much easier to teach when I have someone like him to help me out.  

We also had a meeting with President this week.  It was awesome.  We talked about many different things and learned some great doctrine.  For example, in the Book of Mormon, in the introduction, it says that the Book of Mormon is written to the Lamanites. (Ecuadorians)  It is also written to convince the Jew and the Gentile that Jesus is the Christ.  It never says to convince the Lamanites that Jesus is the Christ.  Why??  Because they already know that.  They don’t need to be convinced.  That is why South America is so successful.  The book is written directly to them.  They feel that power.  After we talked about that, President asked us if we believed in the Book of Mormon and then asked why.  I love when President asks straight forward questions and doesn’t accept flowery answers.  He asked some missionaries if they believed the Book of Mormon was true and asked why.  Then he asked, ¨Are you sure?¨ He emphasized that it so obvious that the investigators can tell when we are not sincere or if we doubt.  I felt pretty confident and my companion was perfect, but it was a really great meeting.  SO, how do you know the Book of Mormon is true?

Everything sounds pretty normal at home.  That would be sweet if Cameron came here to Ecuador.  He doesn’t want to go to Europe.  I understand so much better now.  Our purpose as missionaries is one thing.  Establish the church by Baptizing and Confirming Gods children.  There is no other objective.  Here, you can complete that objective.  In other parts of the world you are not as blessed for your efforts.  I will send some pictures later today.


Elder McRae

2.18.13 Pasaje, Ecuador


I will start off by saying that Pasaje is the most amazing place on the face of the earth.  It reminds me so much of my first sector, Naranjito.  I just didn’t know enough at the time to realize how awesome it was.  Anyway, the sector is massive.  We have half the city and a lot of field to cover.  For some reason, the houses are nicer than houses in Guayaquil, but the people are more humble.  They think more logically and are super accepting.  My first day here, I couldn’t believe how many people just said yes without me having to try and convince them or twist their arm.  It was just a super successful week and that is what I can be looking forward to for the next few months.

My companion is Elder Espinoza.  He is from Lima, Peru.  He has been a member for 2 years.  He has 1 year in his mission.  Pretty sweet huh.. He is great.  His converts both received the Melkezidec priesthood this weekend so he is very happy and excited to baptize more.  He has been here for 4 months.

I have been enjoying every second of being here.  I always tell my companion about how great Pasaje is.  I tell him that everything is better here.  Even the sun is better here.  The sun actually burns your skin, but it is not super humid like in Guayaquil.  There are real sunsets here, and when you are off in the banana fields at night, you can see millions of fireflies in the trees and you don’t have to listen to dump trucks and motorcycles passing by.  Everything is just peaceful.

The work is also great.  The members are so enthusiastic and excited to invite everybody they know to come to church.  I was starting to feel stressed out because I didn’t know how to handle 30 new investigators that all wanted us to come to their houses to teach them.  But we planned everything out well, and we know what we are going to do.  We brought 7 investigators to church this week.  Many of our investigators couldn’t come because everyone had to vote here in Ecuador.  They reelected their president on Sunday.  If you don’t vote here, you have to pay a fine.

We are allowed to do exercise in the mornings so we went to a gym to ask if we could use their stationary bikes and dumbbells and stuff.  We paid one dollar to work out for an hour. Today when we went in the morning, we paid the lady and she said, ¨Ño, you guys don’t have to pay one cent to work out here.  Everything is free for you two.¨ We had no idea why, but we accepted it.  A few minutes later, the owner of the whole complex came in and told us that she is an inactive member and that she wants us to visit her and her family, and that we can work out every day for free.  My companion and I couldn’t believe our ears.  Just more reasons why Pasaje is amazing.

The branch president says that if we are ever hungry in the night we can go to his house to eat dinner.  He sells pineapples, so he gives us tons of pineapples for free and makes the most amazing pineapple juice.

So I am very grateful to be here and hope I can finish my mission is Pasaje.  I know that I will only be able to stay here if I work hard and have results.  So I am staying focused and I am excited to work hard with Elder Espinoza.

To respond a little to your email, there is no substitute for serving a mission.  To learn how to attack the world you need to PREPARE OUTSIDE of the world looking in.  No one would throw a freshman in the game at quarterback without making him practice first.  There is only one good excuse for not serving a mission.  That is if you do not have a testimony of the church.  And if you don’t have a testimony of the church, you better hurry up and get one because I am positive that if I didn’t serve a mission, I would have failed life miserably.  The growth I have experienced is amazing and I couldn’t have imagined I would have grown like I have.  Everything you do in your mission prepares you to face the real world.  Every worthy young man SHALL serve a mission.  That is how the statement reads in Spanish.  German too- I believe.

How is Cam? What is new up there?

Elder McRae

2.11.13 Gomez Rendon, Ecuador


I have changes today.  I don’t have time to really say anything.  I have to get on a bus and travel 4 hours to Pasaje.  It is a little village outside of a small city called Santa Rosa.  I have heard that it is the GOLD MINE of the mission.  The best sector here.  I am super excited.  Anyways, everything is good here and I will write more next week. I will have more to say next week.  I am just writing to say that I am alive and well.


Elder McRae

$8 - I couldn't pass it up!

2.3.13 Gomez Rendon, Ecuador


This week was absolutely great.  We received so many great blessings.  All this week, our investigator, R, has not wanted anything to do with us.  He is just an 11-year-old kid that doesn’t want to make any real choices in his life.  So, he has been fighting all week to not listen to us.  President sent me a text on Friday that said, “if you bring investigators to the baptismal service on Saturday, I promise that your investigators will feel the desire to be baptized.”  So on Saturday, we were fighting to get R to come.  I had all the faith in the world in President’s promise.  But R just did not want to go.  After a half an hour of a struggle, I said, “look R, just come.  If you come, we will never come by and bug you again.  If you tell us you don’t want to listen or go to church, that is fine, we will respect your decision.”  So he got ready super fast and came.  Anyways, after the baptism he was pretty normal.  We dropped him off at his house and left.  Sunday morning, we passed by… just to see if maybe he wanted to go to church.  He was already awake and getting dressed to go to church.  It was a miracle!! He came to church and stayed all three hours and enjoyed it all.  The church is true!!  Anyways, we brought 5 other investigators to church as well and they all really enjoyed it. The week ended great.  We had six investigators in the church and we have five who are preparing to be baptized.  The problem is that Carnaval starts this weekend.  Look up Carnaval.  It is a 3-day holiday were they throw water and paint at everyone in the streets.  Last year, we had to stay in the house.  But Carnaval means everyone will be going on vacation....  So we will pray that our investigators stay.  A is super excited to be baptized and finally came to church this week.  We are also teaching twins named J and C.  They are going to get baptized on the 23rd and they are very excited.  We have a TON of work to do this week.

So it sounds like everything is good at home.  It honestly sounds pretty boring.  What are Kyle, Jared, and Dantrell up to??

I have noticed how blessed I am this week.  Like you said, the Church is true and the Lord blesses us and has a plan for us.  I know this!!

Elder McRae

1.27.13 Gomez Rendon, Ecuador


Okay, so this week was good but we didn’t bring any investigators to church so that was a big setback.  

The story of the week.  An old lady was sitting behind us in sacrament meeting when her phone rang.  She freaked out and just pushed every button to try and turn it off. She had no idea how to use her brand new touch screen phone that her daughter bought her.  So, as she frantically pushed all the buttons, she activated the MP3 part of her phone.  Since it was her daughter’s old phone, it began to play some hard core rap song.  (This is all happening during the ordinance of the sacrament.)  So she doesn’t know how to stop the music, or turn the phone off, so everyone looks back to see who is playing that kind of music in sacrament.  So I take the phone from her and sneak out the back door really quickly- because we were almost all the way in the back.  I finally turned the phone off after we realized we had to slide it open to activate all the buttons.  So we went back into the meeting and everything was normal.  When church ended, almost all the members came up to us to tell us how bad of an example we are and how they couldn’t believe that 1. our phone went off in sacrament… and 2. that we had that kind of music on our phone.  The only thing anyone saw was me leave with the phone so they all expected that it was our phone. It was great.  Even the bishop and the counselors thought it was us.  But after we explained the story to everyone, we all had a good laugh.  But still pretty crazy.  Anyway, I am going to work on these college application essay topics now.  


Elder McRae

1.21.13 Gomez Rendon, Ecuador


Life at home sounds pretty boring.  

This week R got Baptized!!  It was so cool to see her slowly get more excited every day until the Saturday when she got baptized.  Her mom and brother went to the baptism and the confirmation so I hope their hearts were softened a little bit.  It was a great baptismal service and R already seems like she’s been a member of her whole life.  Something that is always comforting to me is that I didn’t do anything to make Ruddy get baptized.  This is not my work or my glory.  It is all the Lord’s.  No one can every say, that ¨I¨ baptized anyone.  Heavenly Father prepares His children in his time frame and by His ways.  

Okay so Cameron`s letter was great.  That was some great info.  I really am liking the idea of living in Provo and going to whatever school.  All my friends will be going to different schools so I will be able to get to know lots of people (Girls) from all over.  From the pictures I saw of my old companion´s FHE group at BYU, I was losing faith there.  Anyways, like you said, there is more time to think about that.  But, apply me for BYU Provo, University of Utah, and all Community Colleges in the Provo-Salt Lake Valley that have football teams.  I don’t want to have what happened to Cameron happen to me.  I don’t want to risk walking on at BYU and then not being able to play football for a year.  And by the way, the date is set in stone.  President talked about it with us.  July 15th is our last day in the mission.  We are not allowed to extend.

To Cameron:  The Lord kicks us all in between the legs one day.  It is part of being His child.  Everyone has to feel like they are a worthless steaming pile of cow-dung or we can never grow. NEVER!!!!!!!!!  And I know how you feel.  When can I just stop helping everyone else, and start helping myself??  haha. NEVER!!!!!!  That is life- buddy boy.  It is called humility.  I have learned so much about humility here in Ecuador.  You have to be able to accept that you are nothing without the Savior, and if you want Him to help YOU, then you have to help OTHERS.  It is that simple.  At the end of the day, after you accept that lesson, you feel GREAT.  

In March we will get the first batch of 18-year-old boys and 19-year-old girls.  40 of them!!  We will see how that goes.  Well, I can’t think of much more to say.  Everything is great here and I hope everything is going good there.  From Cameron’s letter it seems like people talk differently now...


Elder McRae 

1.14.13 Gomez Rendon, Ecuador


Same ol` here as well.  We had a pretty good week as far as the work goes.  We should have a baptism this week.  Her name is R.  We are also trying to rescue another baptism, but she never seems to be in her house.  It has started to rain here again.  I don’t know if I talked about the rain much last year but it rains so much during January and February here.  All the streets fill up and the rivers overflow and all the dirty water fills the city.  It rains every day at least half the day.  
My companion is Elder Perez.  He is from Guatemala, and is a total nerd.  He likes cartoons and YuGiOh cards.  I can get along with almost anyone so we have a good relationship.  I let him talk to me about all his Japanese cartoons and just keep saying oh yeah cool.  Sometimes he will be talking to me, and then after like 10 minutes he will say, “You don’t care do you??” And I don’t respond and he starts laughing.  He is good though.  I like him.

So Elder Warner is my zone leader.  He is from Gilbert and played soccer at Perry High School.  We scrimmaged against them once.  He was born on the same day as me and we both came to Ecuador the same day.  He played soccer in the MTC all the time.  Anyways, we did a few interchanges this week and did some talking about what our plans are after the mission.  He is basically in the same boat as me.  Doesn’t know anyone in Utah and isn’t really a part of that whole culture, but knows that as a return missionary, he has a better chance at finding a wife in Utah.  His sister went to LDS Business College this semester and she has convinced him to check it out.  He says he needs a good roommate though.  He says he wants to live in Provo but go to school in Salt Lake.  I already told him I will never go to LDS Business College but living with him in Provo would be something I would consider.  So that is another one of many options for things to do after the mission.  

So I don’t understand exactly why Cameron is upset.  He made the soccer team as a freshman.  What is he mad about??? That he doesn’t get to play right away??? How many kids make the team as freshman and get to play right off the bat??? Well, he should be focused on the mission anyway.  He is only 4 months away. He could turn in his papers right away right?  

So, what are his days like? Does he have classes every day?  Does he feel like he is in EFY?  Is everybody around him a social misfit?  What does he do in his free time?  What are the RMs like? 

Well, I basically know all of Guayaquil now.  I have been moved all over the south half of the city.  It is cool.  I really would never want to live here but I honestly can say I have fallen in love with the city.  If I had the choice to just be a missionary for the rest of my life here in Ecuador I would accept.  It is an amazing life that we get to live.  I have come to know the Savior on a level I never imagined.  Every day, I am closer to home, and every day that goes by, I try to appreciate more and more the wonderful opportunities and experiences I have had here.  

How is S? I don’t know if you have even seen her since she has been home.  In these last 13 weeks, I have grown immensely.  I have learned so much about myself.  I think I can finally take what I have learned from what happened as a blessing and not a curse.  I forgive her.

Well, that is everything I can think of that has happened or has been on my mind. Enjoy the dry weather and remember that I will be swimming instead of walking in the streets of Ecuador all this week.


Elder McRae

1.6.13 Gomez Rendon, Ecuador


I got changed today.  I am in Gomez Rendon in the Salado Stake.  I now have been in all of but 1 stakes in Guayaquil South.  My companion is Elder Perez from Guatemala.  I left a great program back in 25 de Julio and they should get to enjoy lots of baptisms.  We have one lady we are working with here.  We will see what we can do.  

Have Cam keep me up to date about how it is up there.  I got a letter from Dantrell telling me that I have no excuse to leave him alone in AZ.  Then, as I was talking to all my missionary buddies here today in the terminal, they all want me to go with them to Utah.  

I don’t have much to report on.  I cleaned my new house spotless since it was a disaster when I got there.  I live with missionaries from Guatemala and Mexico.  So I will probably end up forgetting more and more English over these next few weeks.  I realized how poorly I speak when I was with Elder Firmage.  

One thing that should be cool is that I am right across the street from Barcelona’s stadium. FUN!  

Well, all is going well here.  It is just time to crack back down and get to work saving souls.  


Elder McRae

PS Dantrell turns 20 this week.  Give him a shout out for me and tell him I just sent him a letter today.  And that his birthday present got lost in the mail but it was something REAL NICE ;) 

12.31.12 Guayaquil (25 de Julio), Ecuador


It really was a super awesome week huh?  For some reason I have grown to appreciate my family more.  For 17 months, investigators have asked me if I miss my family because they can’t even imagine living farther than 3 houses from their family.  They get even more surprised when I would answer “Not one bit.” Lately people have been asking me if I miss my family and I still say ‘no.’ But in the back of my head, it is cool and exciting to know that I will be back there with you guys in just 6 short months.  (28 weeks).  It was really cool to get to talk to and see everyone.

We just got done playing some soccer in front of our chapel.  It felt just like playing soccer in 120 degree weather in Arizona.  I was the only one that could keep going.  But it was fun.  We just played 4 on 4 between some missionaries.

M got baptized this Saturday and confirmed yesterday.  It was a great experience.  She asked me to baptize her because she trusted me enough not to let her drown.  I made sure she got all the way under
the water the first time so there were not any problems.  She came up pretty panicked but it was good.  That now gives me 28 baptisms, and 24 this year.  Pretty crazy how that worked out right?? :)  It is just destiny, me and 24.  I really want to be able to go home with 50.

This week all the little kids here ask for money so they can buy a last minute AÑO VIEJO.  The big dolls that they burn here tonight. (Look them up, they are sweet)  So I have been handing out all the
pennies I have accumulated over the past few months.  The older kids look at me like I am an idiot for only giving them 2 cents.  But the really little ones just get super happy because they have no idea how
much they have. They are just glad someone gave them something.  Last year, I remember just being annoyed that kids were asking me for money, but I have gotten into it this year.  I will take pictures from the window of all the parties that go on tonight.

Elder Doyle has lived with me for a few months and has been in my same district 3 times over his mission.  He was a great missionary.  He finished his mission super strong.  He will be one of my LIFE LONG friends that my patriarchal blessing talks about.

So anyway, everything is going great here.  Even though the work is a little rough, I am enjoying myself a lot.  I know that as we crack down and get to work, the Lord eventually will bless us with fruits.   We have met so many really good people.  We just have to try and get them to come to church.

Feliz Año Nuevo!!

Elder McRae

12.16.12 Guayaquil (25 de Julio), Ecuador


Is Gavin 15!?  I cannot believe that.  When I get home he could be driving?? Wow.  This week was pretty difficult.  We had a meeting with the mission president on Tuesday and he called us all to repentance.  I actually felt pretty good about it because we have been really good lately staying focused.  We ended up only bringing two investigators to church so we can only hope for one more baptism in December.  She is an 11 year old girl.  Her mom is a member and so is all her family on her mom’s side.  Right now she is afraid of water so we have to find out something we can do to help her overcome her fear.  

Just about everyone we talked to this week wanted nothing to do with us.  I don’t know if everyone is just super busy right now or if no one really wants to make their life better.  I kept feeling the spirit tell me, “don’t give up, don’t give up.”  Hopefully that means things will be getting better this week.  We will see.  The 21st is approaching and a lot of people are kind of freaking out about that here.  I don’t know if that is a big topic in the US right now.  Hopefully the people of 25 de Julio will humble themselves a little bit this week and decide to let the gospel into their lives.  

I am working hard and doing my best to enjoy myself.  I read a cool scripture in the Bible today.  It said to be grateful for the things I suffer in life because they are all for my good.  Then it said that that is the calling I accepted in the premortal life and I should try to be like Christ and endure to the end. I realize that the scripture relates so much to me.  

My companion wants to leave this sector.  He has been here for 7 months now and has never left 25 de Julio.  I am doing my best to help him stay focused and continue working.  I have to be a good example.  For some reason, missionaries like to follow me.  It is a gift I have that I should use very carefully and wisely.  

That is about everything I have to report.  It sounds like everyone has grown up so much since I have been gone.  Sometimes that is sad to think about, that the world continues on without me, but sometimes it is exciting as well to look forward to all the changes when I get home.  

Next week I will tell you all the info about how to call me.  


Elder McRae

12.10.12 Guayaquil (25 de Julio), Ecuador


Well it was another great week.  We had a lot of success and K got baptized!  I felt good all week and have been able to keep my head clear.  I don’t have any cool stories to tell but we have found a lot of people to teach.  Getting them to go to church has been difficult but we are praying that they will be able to make that change to their life.  I don’t really know what people do on Sundays in the United States but here, everyone just sits in front of their house and drinks.  We were looking for our investigators to bring to church and we passed a house that had tons of people in it, all drinking, and listening to music, and as I looked over at them, I felt pain for them.  I could almost feel how lost they were.  It was a weird experience that I haven’t had before.  I am sure I felt a little bit of what Heavenly Father feels as he looks down at his children.  

I can’t think of much more to report.  Changes will be made this week.  A TON of new missionaries will be getting here pretty soon and so President has to make some changes.  He needs a lot of trainers and some more district and zone leaders.  He said that by January, we should have 50 new missionaries.  

Elder Muñoz is great.  Every missionary I know from Colombia is awesome.  The people here in Guayaquil think a lot like everyone else about Colombia.  Lots of Drugs and Lots of Crime.  But I think it would be a cool place to be a missionary.  Everyone says the work there is great.  They have 2 temples.  The best part though, is their accent.  When thieves or shady people try to talk to us, my companion just talks with a thick Cali accent and no one messes with us.   

I am happy.  In my last letter, I blew up a bit, and I am sorry for that.  I really am enjoying myself here and learning so much.  I have learned so much about life.  We went to the temple this week and in the celestial room, I had a little conversation with God (By the way, I have always felt like I have had a very close, and strong relationship with Heavenly Father). I was just asking some questions in my head and listening to the thoughts that entered into my heart.  I asked, ‘What do you want me to do?’ and I felt his response "just preach my gospel." That is all he wants from me right now and that’s all he wants me focus on.  Life isn’t fair and I should never be angry about that.  I should accept whatever happens in my life and keep plugging along.  For now, all that is important is that I do my best to preach the gospel.  


Elder McRae

12.3.12 Guayaquil (25 de Julio), Ecuador


It is nice to hear that everyone is doing well.  I did get changed.  I am now in a sector called 25 de Julio. It is in Guayaquil. My companion is Elder Muñoz.  He has been out 6 months and is from Colombia.  The sector is good.  It is still really hot.  
I felt really good all this week.  We worked really hard and hopefully our work pays off in the future.  We talked to tons of people and invited everyone we talked to to get baptized.  At the end of the week, we have narrowed our program down to 5 people who are sincerely interested in getting baptized.  One of them is named K.  Pray for her because she is 12 and is like a teeter-totter.  One day yes the other day no.  She is planning on getting baptized this weekend.  

I guess my grumpiness is a genetic trait I have received from Dad.  It really bugs me, but this week I haven’t felt anything like that.  I have been happy to be a missionary and life has been good.  I have seen the blessings that the Lord put it in our paths this week and I am very thankful for them.  

That is about all I have to report.  Barcelona, a club team here, won the Ecuadorian League for the first time in 14 years so the whole world down here was going crazy.  I saw people crying in the streets because they were so happy.  I think more than half of Ecuador are Barcelona fans.  


Elder McRae 

11.25.12 Guayaquil, Ecuador



This week, like most weeks, had its ups and downs.  The coolest part is that we had another baptism.  G, D and B`s cousin, got baptized Saturday.  Monday was really the first time we talked to her.  She had attended church twice and two baptismal services.  So Monday we asked her if she wanted to get baptized this Saturday and she said of course.  Easiest baptism ever! It was great though.  She is 18 and has a 2 year old son.  She was great because even though she is a little timid she understands everything very well.  


Today should have been changes but I think they are going to do them tomorrow so I still don’t know where I am going to be for these next six weeks.  Whether it is here or somewhere else, I really wouldn’t mind.  I do like this ward, but I think I am at the point where I am just willing to do whatever the Lord calls me to do.  I really have gained a testimony that this work is guided by him and not anyone else.  Sometimes I hear missionaries say, ¨What is this Mission President thinking?  Why did he change me? or Why didn’t he change me?¨ And I feel sad to hear them say that because I wish they would understand that everything he does is by 100% revelation.  But anyway, so tomorrow I should know where I will be and with who.  


Speaking of sister missionaries and their funny stories.  I have 3 sister missionaries in my district.  Sister M has very little time in the mission and she is always happy and super innocent.  Anyway, the other day in the district meeting, she asked me something and I guess I responded very coldly.  I still don`t even remember this happening… but today in the morning, my companion told me this story.  He said that after I answered her question, she apologized to me because she thought I was mad or something.  I didn`t even notice her apology or anything.  So I guess she felt bad the whole day because she thought I was angry at her or something.  My companion swears I answered her with some one-word cold response.  I don`t remember anything but today she asked my companion if I was still mad at her and she told him this whole story.  So basically, here’s my point - sometimes the sister missionaries are not used to someone talking to them how Elder McRae talks to people.  I don`t even notice that I look or sound angry when I talk to people but I guess sometimes I give off that kind of impression.  


Anyway, it was a good week.  This week we won`t have any baptisms but hopefully the next week we will.  



Elder McRae