You wanted to know about Cuenca. As far as I see it, it is basically the same as Guayaquil but richer. The difference is the people who want to listen, listen, and the people who don’t want to listen, slam the door in your face. I don’t really have a problem with that. It makes it a lot easier to focus on the people who are actually going to progress. It rains every day. It hails about once a week. It is freezing cold when it rains and the sun burns you immediately when you leave the house. The people are a little smarter but still don’t pay attention to logical thinking :)
The Church in Cuenca is the same as in Guayaquil. The members are head and shoulders above everyone else. I haven’t really had much time to get to know a lot of members though. I am so busy, there isn’t anytime to stop and think. Let me guess the order of the churches in Ecuador. 1. The Catholic Church. (95%) 2. Evangelic Church. (3%) 3. Jehovah’s Witness (1.5%) 4. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (.5%) I don’t think there are other churches that exist.
My companion is Elder Monroy. His name is Nefi (Nephi). He is from Mexico. He is great. I don’t know what else to say about him.
This past Saturday we had 2 baptisms. Bryan and Genesis Tapia got baptized. This week their mom will get baptized. This is the best family in the world. They are from Esmeraldas. It is way up north and basically all the black people live there. So obviously this family is the nicest family in the world.
I don’t really have any crazy experiences. Just work. We work and work and work. There is never a minute where you can stop to breath. There are way too many things to do. If my sector is fine, one of the other sectors I am district leader over needs help. There is a lot of demand for success in this mission and so all our time and attention has to be devoted to this.
Remember to beware of pride. It is the mother of all sin and drives away the spirit. This week we taught a lesson and I let pride get to me. We were teaching a man who basically wanted to prove us wrong. He was using scriptures and things to prove us wrong to his family. He would look over at his family as if to say, “Look at me proving them wrong. Aren’t I so smart?” We try to stay away from arguing or getting into a bible bashing session but this guy was just starting to bug me. So instead of just leaving I let my pride get to me. I pulled out the Bible and first proved everything he was saying wrong. I made him answer his own questions that proved his church wrong. I even went as far as to ask him a question I knew he wouldn’t know the answer to and then I would look at the rest of his family as if I was saying, looks like your dad is a moron. So after the session of cutting him down and probably totally embarrassing him in front of his family we left. I learned a couple things from this.
1. I felt terrible afterwards. I felt the spirit completely leave. The sprit will run away as fast as possible from PRIDE.
2. Is this how Christ would have taught this man?
3. Facts, Evidence, and Proofs will never convince anyone. Only the spirit converts.
4. These people don’t believe in their own doctrine. They believe in their religion. They say they are Catholic but they don’t accept the Catholic doctrine. They realize that the doctrine of Christ is the doctrine that we teach. However, they don’t want to join or accept the religion. Obviously if you know me, you know that there might be nothing that makes me more angry than thinking illogically.
However, :) I am here to change. I realize my mistake and I need to change. Its obvious that I need to remember my days in La Colmena and be humble. I need to learn more patience. I am so thankful to be here and have this opportunity to become more like the Savior.
Elder McRae